Friday, November 6, 2009

Straitjackets Are Slimming

I have already told most of you about the Straitjackets Are Slimming blog. It is written by Maya Rickards who is a single mother of two.

If you haven't checked out her blog, you must! She is hilarious in that I-hate-life-most-days-but-see-the-humor-and-keep-on-trucking kind of way. She is cynical, sarcastic, and funny. If you are looking for a good laugh, check her blog. She is putting up a post once a day for the month of November.

My favorite quote from her post today is:

"Thank you, to my sons daycare provider, who reminded me to always keep an extra set of clean clothes in his cubby, by putting him in lace trimmed capris complete with “cutie” spelled out in rhinestones across the butt."

It reminded me of my little Bella who one day decided to put on someone else's clothes at pre-school, went up to the teacher and said, "Miss Amanda, do you like my new clothes?"

Ah yes, my daughter the klepto.


maya said...

Thank you!!
You better watch that Bella.

Pam Harris said...

Thanks for the heads up! I'm always on the lookout for blogs that allow me to laugh at daily annoyances--especially since it seems that I'm easily annoyed. :)