Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I haven’t been listening to the radio much lately. I know it’s been out for a while, but I just got a copy of Lady Gaga’s CD, The Fame, and I effing love it! I have been playing it non-stop for the last few weeks. I mean with lyrics like “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick” how could I not have the entire CD on repeat?

So, basically I have been out of the new song loop for quite a while. Yesterday, I decided to add another challenge to my weight loss goals and forced my family to take a 30 minute drive at 8 pm to go get some Krispy Kremes. On the way home, a very catchy, upbeat, electronica sounding song was playing. My brother was talking about how it is the dumbest song he has ever heard and he thought that it was a joke when he first heard it, but no, it is an actual song getting play on the radio.

It was “Firefly” by Owl City.

After listening to the song, I have to admit that the lyrics are kind of out there, but it is still catchy enough that I liked it (yes, I do have questionable taste in music). My favorite line from the song is “'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs/From ten thousand lightning bugs." I mean it is all in the delivery of the cheesy lyrics; for example, if the lyrics were, “I just got swarmed by a whole shit load of bugs” then it might not have been as appealing. And guess what - it was the number one selling single on iTunes. That’s right, I bought it. My brother was super excited.

Ok, it is time to peace out because I am freezing my ass off at the park while my daughter is climbing up the slide.

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