Ok, so yes, remember that book that I had laid to rest? Well, I had... sort of.
First, let me give you a rundown of how to get a book published. No, strike that, the process on how to get a literary agent that can get your book to a publishing house so that they can maybe, possibly, *think* about publishing your book.
Step one, you have to write a query letter, basically an author's resume that includes a synopsis of your book, author's credentials, and why your book is so cool.
This letter is hard to write because it is so pivotal. You are selling your how-ever-many-paged book on a one page letter. If this doesn't sound hard, then let me just come out and say that it is the biggest effing headache ever.
However (oh, yes, there is always a "however" or a "but" in any of my "convictions"), if you can't write a good query letter, then you shouldn't be writing a book. You call yourself a writer? Then write! Just...write shorter.
So, first hurdle is writing a query delicious enough for an agent to say, "ok, you've piqued my interest, send me the first XX amount of pages."
The excitement at one of those partial requests is enough to get me high as a kite. Seriously, there must have been some kind of powdered drug sent with that request, like anthrax but good.
And then (drum roll please!!!)
You wait ...
And then you wait some more...
... Still waiting ...
And then, just like any other high, I come down. And it always happens at this point for me. I haven't gotten past that partial request hurdle. I have decided that since none of the 80 agents I queried wanted to take me on, then this project is a dud.
So, now I have this 75,000 word book on a flash drive and nothing to do with it... Or have I?
After my most recent rejection *sniff!* I have decided to start releasing my book on this here blog 'o mine. I will edit my book (I had some tense issues that I need to work on) and start releasing about ten pages a week starting in December, maybe January at the latest. Now I am not saying it is the next Twilight or that it is the best book out there, but dammit - it's mine, I wrote it, I worked really hard on it!
I am also not trying to say that I know better than the agents out there that rejected me. I value their overwhelming consensus of "no" for this book, but it is my baby. It's like having a really ugly baby and not knowing it, so you show him/her off to the world as if you are holding the next Gerber Baby.
This project is my Ugly Baby.
It sounds so frustrating!
Yes, it can be frustrating. But that's just because my book isn't going anywhere.
I would imagine that if my writing was better (did I just admit to bad writing?!) then my experience would be different. Agents knocking down my door is a lot better than a bunch of doors being shut in my face.
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