Friday, January 8, 2010

Scrabble Makes You Stoopid

I played Scrabble for the first time. I suck at it.

When I was little, my parents used to play it all the time. Recently, on a Saturday night, my mom randomly suggested we play. Ok. I am game, I love Game Night!

My mom went first. She laid down the word "maze". Nice, 22 points right off the bat.

My turn. I don't even remember what I laid down, something with an R in it, but it was worth like four points. My mom said, "Why don't you just put the 'R' at the end of my word and make it 'mazer'?"

I scoffed at her. Mazer?! Oh silly foreign mom of mine, there is absolutely no such word mazer

"Look it up. You never know." She said calmly.

I go to With a smug look on my face, I typed M-A-Z-E-R. I waited for the "no such word found" page to pop up. Only...

Main Entry: ma·zer

Pronunciation: \ˈmā-zər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German masar gnarled excrescence on a tree
Date: 14th century
: a large drinking bowl originally of a hard wood


So my mom, out of the kindness of her heart, gets me ahead in points.

Throughout the game, my brother (a.k.a The Cheater) kept coming up with some wacky words and I would just start challenging them all.

At one point, on my turn, I couldn't find a word with the letters that I had because they were mostly vowels. The only consonant I had was a T. Where can I put this T? 

Is there such a word as 'eet'? Nope
How about 'det'?

My next statement is where the dumb-ass in me comes in.

"I can't make a word, Mom!" I spit at her (now I know where Bella gets it from!). "I mean, is there anything I can make with these letters?" *shows opponent her tiles* "Like, is M-E-T even a word?!"


Oh, snap. My brain seriously couldn't register whether or not 'met' was a word.

Again, I would like to say that playing Scrabble makes you stoopid.


Pam Harris said...

LOL--I try to stay away from Scrabble because I become a very ugly person. :) I'm always the one that's stuck with a "q" at the end. How are you supposed to use a "q" without a "u"? The whole thing is very frustrating.

germaine said...

bring scrabble to game night! redeem yourself. you can't possibly be worse than our friend whose name starts with a "t" and rhymes with kim.

Melanie said...

Our friend, the one that rhymes with Kim, thinks I am smart because I am good at Cranium and other such games. Little does he know that it just means I watch too much television.

Scrabble will surely give away that I am really not very smart. I would like to keep that illusion going and will NOT be bringing Scrabble. Sorry buddy!