Thursday, January 28, 2010

That's What I Get...

I was so excited about my six pounds lost yesterday that I treated myself with a glazed donut with sprinkles of coconut on top. Mmm! Yes, I know that it is this kind of reward system that probably got me to my obscene BMI that it is today, but whatever, that's not what this post is about!

So, there I am enjoying my yummy coconut donut while I am working at my desk. About an hour after I was done, I had to deliver a file to my boss (who seems to be a nice man, but I wouldn't really know seeing as how he intimidates the hell out of me and I have just recently gotten over breaking out into a cold sweat when he would ask to talk to me about something). As I open my mouth to talk to him, I notice that there is this sticky feeling on the right corner of my mouth. I raise my hand to my mouth as I am talking to Mr. Boss Man and whaddya know - the entire lower part of my mouth is covered in glaze! In a split second I had to decide to either:

A.) Leave it there and allow it to crackle and flake off onto my shirt with every word I spoke
B.) Try to lick it off and risk getting a sexual harrassment complaint filed against me
C.) Try to inconspiciously wipe the glaze off with my hand

Nothing could get me out of this embarrassing situation, so I went with option C. It appeared to be the safest option. But just for good measure, I reflexively flung the excess dried glaze onto the floor of his office. Well, it was better than eating it, right?

1 comment:

ImperfectAnna said...

You are too funny! I am dying just picturing that scene. And your stupid picture of that delicious looking donut make me scrounge around to find candy that was leftover from Christmas. I have no self-control!