Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday #17

After a week on The Diet (with a hiccup of chocolate birthday cake and grape juice on Sunday) and five hardcore gym days where I tackled this beast...

I am pleased to announce a four pound weight loss! Yay me!

I was getting into the habit of weighing myself everyday and got down to 200 pounds as of Monday, but it didn't stick. I am going to try very hard to wait to weigh myself again until next Wednesday. The great news is that I am officially declaring today as my lowest weight of the month which means that I have lost a total of six pounds since March. Again, yay me!

On another note, it is not a good idea to watch The Biggest Loser while Aunt Flo is in town. I am already crying when I watch it each week, but last night I was in wracking sobs the entire first half of the show!

Current Weight: 201.6 lbs.
Total Weight Loss: 28.4 lbs.
Reason for Weight Loss: I just found out that my brother's fiancee's bachelorette party will entail a pole dancing class. I don't know how I am supposed to lift my 201 pound ass up a pole.


ImperfectAnna said...

You are doing so well! I am so proud of you, yet jealous. Especially since you will surpass me in about four pounds!

Good job, girl!

germaine said...

Yay Mel! I can't believe you've almost lost 30 lbs! I noticed you looked great the other night when we went out to dinner. I have never noticed the "total weight loss" thing at the bottom of your Wednesday posts. Great job! Your dedication is paying off!