Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello, Gym, Missed Me?

Last night was my first visit to the gym in... umm... well, it's actually been so long I don't even remember the last time I went! I didn't do any kind of physical activity for the entire month of September - unless you count hefting up my big behind to go get some Tillamook's Limited Edition Grandma's Cake Batter Ice Cream. That's right, Limited Edition.

My boot camp fee is $64.07 and my gym is $49.13. That is a grand total of $113.20 wasted last month.

I have a legit reason for not being aggressive with my workouts. Before you ask, no, it was not a legit excuse to stop watching what I eat. Anyway, I got my MRI results back and I have a "benign stress sclerotic lesion." No, I don't know what that means. I tried to look it up online but couldn't find anything. But the doctor's office wasn't concerned so neither am I. The only comment was, "If the patient is still in pain, consult sports medicine doctor." Well, I was a bit achey, but nothing serious. So I wait a couple more weeks before I hit the gym again because I really don't want my hip to start hurting.

I wanted to ease my way back into working out, so last night I was on the incumbent bike, catching up with my US Weekly's that had piled up (I only read these at the gym). To my surprise, I was on there for an hour. I was nervous that I would wake up this morning with my hip hurting again, but it was totally fine. The gym rat is back!


ImperfectAnna said...

You go girl! Glad you're okay and that you're not hurting anymore.

I recently go this really cool computer program to help you get fit by tracking your eating, exercising, and the like. Today I realized I went about 1,000 calories over what I should have and was disgusted!

But then I got hungry and ate some more. ;)

Pam Harris said...

Woo hoo! Glad you're back on your feet. :) Reading magazines is the best when you're on the bike--time just seems to fly. BTW, I think you asked about writers conferences over on my blog. You should visit awpwriter.org. They give a great list of conferences by state, I think. :)

Melanie said...

Thanks for getting back to me, Pam! I will be sure to check out that site!

Anonymous said...

That Tillamook ice cream is good! You know what else is good? Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra... yummmmm...

