Monday, July 5, 2010

Bad, Bad Bloggess!

Oh my goodness, has it really been nearly a month since I last blogged?! Have I really been devoid of thought for the last three and a half weeks?

Actually, it is the complete opposite. I have just been so busy with work, my brother's wedding (which happened two Fridays ago) and having family in town that I haven't been able to find the time to do any extracurriculars, like blogging. As a matter of fact, I haven't even been to the gym or done boot camp for almost two weeks now!

For those of you that are wondering, I didn't lose quite as much weight as I had hoped to before my brother's wedding. I slightly resembled an overstuffed sausage in the dress. Actually, more like an overstuffed hot link - the dress was red. However, there was family at the wedding that I hadn't seen since Christmas and I got a lot of "oh you have lost weight!" This certainly lifted my spirits about how I looked. But as the pictures started trickling in, I began my self-depracating routine and hated every shot of me! I was able to find one that I liked of me though, mainly because my daughter and her cousin was covering the majority of my sausasgeness:

The good news about a too tight bridesmaid dress is that I couldn't physically stuff my face with all the scrumptious food as much as I had hoped to. This caused me to get down to 192.8 as of the Saturday after the wedding. But I have certainly made up for it in the last week.

With the wedding behind me, I find that it is a struggle to get back to counting calories and going to the gym. Apparently I have chosen gluttony and sloth as my sins of choice for this week.

At this point, I have no clue what my weight is. There is no doubt in my mind that I have reached the 198-200 pound mark again. I was hoping to go back to the gym last week, but I have been suffering from chest congestion and a cough. The cough still hasn't gone away completely, but I am going to try and go back to the gym tomorrow. I will post more pictures of the wedding as soon as I can get my act together and organize my life again.

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